
October 29, 2012

The Liebster Award

Today I found out that I was chosen for The Liebster Award by Jen at The Adventures of Our Army Life! I am so excited to be considered for this, especially because my blog is still so new and tiny. Thank you so much Jen! Please go visit her and give her blog lots of love!
So what is it?
The Liebster Award is given by fellow bloggers to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
So what does it mean?
Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.
What's the rules?
Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
Answer the questions that the nominator set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you’ve nominated to answer.
Choose 11 people and link them in your post.
Go to their page and tell them.
No tag backs!
11 Things About Myself
1. I have different colored eyes, one blue and one green.
2. I am obsessed with HGTV and dream of having a TV show makeover my home one day.
3. I am one of the biggest Los Angeles Kings fans! Go Kings!
4. I hate scary movies. I have to leave the room when my husband insists on watching them!
5. I love going to classic car shows! My husband has a 1960 Ford truck and my dream is to get a 1960 Ford Falcon one day.
6. I am the middle child of 5 (3 brothers and 1 sister).
7. I hate seafood but recently got introduced to salmon (not bad!).
8. I went to Israel in 2010 and it changed my life.
9. I cry a lot! My mom says I just have a big heart.
10. Since my husband joined the Army I've become extremely patriotic! Go USA! :)
11. My dog is like my child. I love him so much!
My Questions from Jen
1. If you could be any color, what would you be and why? I would be blue. It's my favorite color and makes me feel calm and at peace.
2. Do you have any pets? I have a Morkie (Maltese-Yorkie) named Rocky. He's my little man and I'm in love!
3. If you could meet anyone living or dead who would it be? My grandparents on my Dad's side. They passed long before I was born yet I feel so close to them and have visited their graves more than once.
4. What is your favorite meal? That's such a hard question! I would have to say Thanksgiving dinner. There's something about the combination of Turkey, Ham, Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes, Cranberry Sauce, etc. that I absolutely love!
5. If you could pick any actor to play you in your life story, who would you choose? Zooey Deschanel. I love her style and humor.
6. Are you a tomboy or girly girl? I would say both. I was very much a tomboy when I was younger and have incorporated that into my girly adult style.
7. Do you have any siblings? I have 4 siblings. An older brother and sister and two younger brothers.
8. What is your biggest pet peeve? Talking with food in your mouth or smacking! It drives me crazy!
9. Are you allergic to anything? I have seasonal nasal allergies. It sucks to be me in the spring!
10. Are you afraid of anything? I'm afraid of the dark and will probably always have a night light around.
11. What is your favorite type of music? I am a music lover and love all types of music. My tops include punk, rock, oldies, country, singer/songwriter, psychobilly, etc.!
11 Bloggers That I Chose
11 Questions That I Chose For These Awesome Bloggers
1. What is your favorite fall activity?
2. If you had to choose Thanksgiving or Christmas which would it be?
3. If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?
4. How would you describe your fashion style?
5. What is your favorite book at the moment?
6. What is the best thing about where you live?
7. What was your favorite childhood TV show?
8. Describe a perfect date night with your significant other. If you don't have one what would be your dream date?
9. What is your dream career?
10. What would be your dream vacation spot?
11. What is your favorite quote or song lyric?
I am so happy to have been part of such a great blog award! I am still new to the blog world and I am very excited for my future with this blog. I truly hope those I chose decide to participate.
Thanks again Jen!

October 28, 2012

Sunday Randoms

Today I logged on to Facebook to find that I won my very first Blog Giveaway! I've been following blogs for a while now but it took a little bit for me to gain the confidence to actually start participating. I think I was nervous of my own blog just not cutting it next to all the wonderful ones I have been following for so long. Well now I know that this blog is not for anyone but me! It's a way for me to express myself. Now I'm not going to lie and tell you I don't get excited when I get a comment or a new follower because I do! I guess it's just validation that there are people out there that actually want to read my little blog here.

Anyways, back to my giveaway win! Katie over at Camo-Colored Chaos picked me as her winner! I won a $50 gift card to her cousin Jessica's Etsy shop Define Bliss. She creates custom pieces for the home that I am absolutely in love with. I can't wait to see what she can help me come up with and share with you!

This weekend has been pretty chill. On Friday night my husband and I had a very impromptu conversation about the future. We talked about what we want and where we want to be within the next year. It was so great to just talk about things and agree about where we wanted to go. Unfortunately, we're not quite ready to share with the world what we're up to but the Army is definitely playing a key role in our plans. It's exciting and scary at the same time but I know as long as we stay strong together, we can make it through anything.

We didn't do anything for Halloween this weekend because I'm broken, but we did decide to go Trick or Treating with some family. I am going to bring out an old Devil costume that I have and my husband has some bloody prosthetics that we'll glue to his face. I'm going to be in my wheelchair, since I can't walk or stand for too long. Hopefully, we can come up with something cool to decorate the chair with. I was thinking LED's! Lol. Too ghetto fabulous you think? Maybe some spinners?! Haha. I'll keep you posted and try to take some pictures of Wednesday nights fun.

Halloween 2008 | My devil costume w/ my dearest friend Rosa

October 22, 2012

Fall Shopping

Living in Los Angeles my whole life, I'm not used to changing seasons like you would experience in other parts of the country. We do have temperature changes with the seasons but nothing dramatic like snow! The temperatures are dropping (thank goodness!) and it's time to start thinking of what to wear for this lovely fall weather!

My injury has not only affected my mobility issues but it has also put a damper on my weight and emotional state. To me, it seemed like the weight just popped out of nowhere! I've struggled with my weight my whole life and in 2008, I finally got a hold of it and maintained a healthy size 12 for several years. Prior to that the largest I had been was a size 16. Now, I'm just shy of a size 18 and nothing fits me! It's a horrible feeling but I know this is only temporary and once I get treated the exercise and healthy eating will come back.

I've decided that for now, there is not much I can do about losing all the weight I put on. I can eat better but that requires a lot of motivation that often enough, I am having a hard time getting to. I'm going to take baby steps and not beat myself up about this. It will get better. So for now I'm going to buy clothes that fit the body I have now. Some may say this is a bad investment because I won't be this weight forever, but I say that I need this. I need to look in the mirror and feel pretty. I haven't felt that way in a long time. These clothes are just part of the process of getting my head right and feeling better again.

Fall clothes are some of my favorites! Who doesn't love pretty scarves, comfy boots and cozy jackets?! Well this girl does and I'm going to show you all some of my favorite (plus size) clothes I hope to snag up this season.


I honestly don't even own a pair of boots. Unless you consider my 18 hole Dr. Martins from high school ;). I have large calves and have always had a hard time finding ones that fit. This season I was browsing Old Navy and stumbled upon these beauties:

They have great reviews, the perfect calf size and I love the "Riding Boot" style. The price is also pretty awesome. I really hope to be adding these to my collection soon. :)
Out on the town:
I've been looking for something that I can wear to dress up a pair of boots and opaque tights. Something that makes me feel pretty and dressed up. When I saw this dress, I knew it was perfect:
I really hope I can get this piece. I've also been thinking of possibly having it tailored to fit when I get back in shape. I really love it.
I must admit I am an outerwear fanatic. I have tons of sweaters and jackets to last a while! Unfortunately, not too many of them fit me anymore. I've been thinking of purchasing this jacket:
I can't decide which color I like the best yet. What I love about the coat is the ruffle detailing at the hem, the length and hood, and the overall style. I love the vintage style of coats and this one just says timeless.
I've been really into cable knit sweaters ever since last season and was hoping to find more this season. I didn't find too much out there but this one I think would be a good addition to my sweater collection:
I love the colors and the "school girl" look to it. I think the model has paired it well with the bright blue shirt and jeans. I would probably layer it with a tank top or long sleeve shirt.
I am a jean lover! I love dark denim jeans and will probably grab some skinny jeans from old navy to pair with those awesome boots. This season I am seeing a trend in colored denim and thought I would go for it! I love color and know I can pair something really great with a bright jean. Right now Old Navy is my go to for jeans and I found these that I can't wait to try on:
I absolutely love this color and think it's perfect for fall. I'm still unsure about the "super skinny" part but they do come in my size so it's worth a shot.
Target has always been my place to go for affordable comfortable scarves. This season is no different and I found some great ones that I will be adding to shopping cart:
I'm excited to play with color and know that it will definitely make me feel better!
If you've stuck around through this whole post, thank you. I'm happy I can use my blog to share some of my favorite things. I love fashion and particularly vintage fashion but when it comes to being warm, I always choose classic comforts!
What are some of your favorite fall fashions?


October 17, 2012

Feeling OK

I finally got there. Today I felt OK. I mean I'm still dealing with this back pain and some anxiety from my injury case, but overall today was good. Yesterday, I mustered up enough energy to declutter my side of the bedroom. Mostly just getting laundry organized and some dusting. I found a journal that I wrote in for some of the 10 days that I spent in Israel a couple years back (that journey is definitely another post!). What I wrote in it reminded me of my time there and that I was pretty healthy for the most part and that I climbed a freakin' mountain! It was pretty motivating I guess. I know that I will get back to the healthy Kim again.

Smiling after climbing Mt. Masada, Israel (2010)

I also dusted off a collection of pictures I have of loved ones on my Dad's side of the family that have passed away. I'm a strong beleiver in "the other side" and know that they are looking over me and helping guide me through life. My dad had 5 sisters (he was the only boy!) and 4 of them passed away. My Aunt Esther (my Dad's twin) passed away this past May and I spent time with her while she was in Hospice. My other Aunts had passed away when I was a child so I don't really remember a lot. I held my Aunt Esther's hand and told her it was okay to let go. It was one of the hardest and most difficult things I think I have ever gone through. I miss her so much. Even in her last breaths she made me promise her that I wouldn't leave her and that I loved her. Those dusty pictures brought up a lot of those memories. It also reminded me that I have them with me and that I'm going to get through this difficult time in my life.

My beautiful Aunt Esther
(she hated to take pictures so I don't have any recent ones but this is probably how she would like to be remembered) :)

So with all that randomness that yesterday was, it really helped me get through today. My bedroom is less cluttered, my heart is full of memories of past adventures and loved ones, and I finally completed a document from my injury case that has been looming over me.

Tomorrow, I plan on visiting with my Dad for a little and getting through some of that laundry that I bagged up yesterday! I'm so thankful for my husband who takes me wherever I please and helps me do my laundry. I love him. <3

I hope you had an OK day! ;)

October 12, 2012



October has been my favorite month of the year for as long as I can remember. I've always loved Halloween, the changing of the weather and Pumpkins! Last year and this year have and will be different for me. Last October, my husband came home after 8 months of being away training and two weeks later I injured my back. Pretty much October sucked for me in 2011. I stayed home watching TV as my friends and family documented their October adventures all over Facebook. I was upset and bitter.

This year is different! I'm still injured and that sucks. I can't go to the Pumpkin Patch and pick the perfect pumpkin for me and my husband. I can't take my little brother-in-law out trick or treating like I have for so many years. But I'm okay with that. This past year has taught me that IT'S OKAY! I know that one day I will be able to do all the things that I love. I know that my husband and I want to have our Vow Renewal ceremony in the month of October. I know that one day I will have little ones and I will be taking them trick or treating and dressing them up for Halloween. I just need to get better and get back to being normal.

I'm going to have my husband take me to the local grocery store to pick up some pumpkins and I'm going to bake my favorite recipe of pumpkin cookies. I'm going to be happy this October. The pain and depression of this injury will not last forever. I'm going to get well again and I'm going to end this part of my life with so much more than when it started. It's all part of this journey we go on. I'm positive and looking forward to seeing what my future has in store.

Happy October!

October 5, 2012


Two posts back to back! I'm on a roll!

I love blogging! I love sharing my day with the few followers I have and I love reading blogs. The lovely women behind the blogs I read have inspired me to invest more time in my little home away from home here. I have so many great ideas and advice I feel I can contribute too. Unfortunately, we are a one computer household and my husband loves his YouTube! Every chance he gets he is on the computer. This leaves me with very little time to get to the computer. Tonight I'm lucky because he's working late ;).

I've decided it's time to invest in another computer. The laptop we have now is a few years old and very big and bulky. It leaves it hard to blog while resting my back on the couch. The deployment word has reared it's ugly head into our conversations as well so having a smaller lighter laptop would be good for my husband to take with him too. I'm trying to think of all the reasons why this is a good investment right now! I hate big expensive purchases! They stress me out until I finally take the jump and then I feel so much better. This purchase might take some time!

Once I get a new laptop I'll be able to invest more time into my blog. I can't wait to see what I can turn it into. I'm getting excited just thinking about it. Right now I'm reading all my blogs on my Kindle Fire (which I love!). It's very convenient but not great for typing. That touch screen drives me crazy sometimes! I truly appreciate the followers I have and hope I can gain more in the future. Connecting with other people that share the same interests as you all over the world is truly one of the greatest parts of blogging.

What's your favorite part of blogging?

Have a great weekend!